Comprehensive Birth Class ~ 10 Sessions
If you desire an unmedicated birth, are first-time parents, or are preparing for a VBAC, this class will prepare you on all levels – physically, mentally, and emotionally.
What You’ll Learn...
In addition to this AMAZING class, you will receive the Breasting MRE digital download - a 3.5 hour breastfeeding class - a $50 value.
This class series runs 25 hours and is typically taught over a 10-week period, or ten 2.5 hour sessions. Workbook included.
What You’ll Learn...
- Testing: GBS, Ultrasound, and Vaginal Exams and Your Birth
- Due Dates: When, Why & How Induction Works
- Comfort Measures
- Epidurals & Endorphins: From Stirrups to natural birth and how we got here
- Common Sense Tips for Reducing Pain
- Doulas: Everything You Need to Know
- Relaxation: Releasing Tension During Labor & Pregnancy
- Getting Started: Pre and Early Labor
- Getting Serious: Active Labor and Transition
- What Do Contractions Feel Like? Is this It? What now?
- Top 10 Tools for Dad
- The Importance of Communication: Learning to Talk and Listen in Labor
- Pushing: How You and Your Baby Work Together
- Pushing Positions: What You Need to Know Beforehand
- Special Considerations: Feeling Safe During Pushing
- Third Stage: Delivery of the Placenta
- Reasons for a Cesarean: Making it a Good Experience
- Variations of Labor: Handling Situations that May Arise
- Your Birth Plan: A Communication Tool
- Newborn Procedures: Creating a Postpartum Plan
- Nutrition and fitness
- Choosing the right care providers
- Sights and sounds of labor
- Postpartum
In addition to this AMAZING class, you will receive the Breasting MRE digital download - a 3.5 hour breastfeeding class - a $50 value.
This class series runs 25 hours and is typically taught over a 10-week period, or ten 2.5 hour sessions. Workbook included.