Home Birth or Birth Center Class ~ 5 Sessions
If you are planning to have your baby at home or at a freestanding birth center, this class will give you the nuts and bolts of labor. Learn what happens before, during, and after birth, as well as variations of labor.
What You’ll Learn...
You will learn what you specifically need for your out-of-hospital birth class. Topics include:
You’ll leave class feeling confident, prepared, and ready to rock your home or birth center birth! Workbook included. Class time 12.5 hours, typically broken up into five 2.5 hour sessions.
What You’ll Learn...
You will learn what you specifically need for your out-of-hospital birth class. Topics include:
- Getting Started: Pre and Early Labor
- Getting Serious: Active Labor and Transition
- What Do Contractions Feel Like? Is this It? What now?
- Top 10 Tools for Dad
- The Importance of Communication: Learning to Talk and Listen in Labor
- Common Sense Tips for Reducing Pain
- The Chiropractic Difference: How a Chiropractor Can Improve Your Pregnancy and Labor
- Doulas: Everything You Need to Know
- Pushing: How You and Your Baby Work Together
- Pushing Positions: What You Need to Know Beforehand
- Special Considerations: Feeling Safe During Pushing
- Third Stage: Delivery of the Placenta
- Variations of Labor: Handling Situations that May Arise
- Hello Baby! When Baby Arrives Before Your Provider
You’ll leave class feeling confident, prepared, and ready to rock your home or birth center birth! Workbook included. Class time 12.5 hours, typically broken up into five 2.5 hour sessions.